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Newsletter #65 - Volund ReleasedNewsletter #65 - Volund Released

Volund Preview 1 released, video creation, sketches, and more.

Michael Grand, Blogger

May 22, 2010

2 Min Read
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The first Volund preview has been released! If you haven't already done so, go to http://www.volundgame.com and register your account. You will then be able to download the game by clicking on the "Play Now" button.

From the Programmer
Written by Invisible

Other than getting Volund Preview 1 out the door and working correctly, I have been trying to setup a video creation workflow. Video creation is not quite as easy as one might expect. After roughly a month of research and trial and error, the workflow looks something like this: Capture video -> Fix audio sync and convert to raw .avi -> Convert to lossless .mov -> Edit -> Export to raw .avi -> Convert to a high quality format which YouTube does not mess with much. So far, it is working well.

I have also been doing research for a new project we are working on. More information will be provided in the next newsletter issue.

Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight

iScribble Sketches #23

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

Community Spotlight

With the release of the first Volund preview, the community was going wild. Forum posts were continuous, people were always on Volund, markets were being created, and many rumors of fake monsters were created. However, after a little over a month of public exposure, Volund is not as active as it originally was, and forum posts have been less common. Yet, with hopes of the next preview being released shortly, the community silently awaits their return.

Also, many members are excited over what is ITS's mystery project. InvisibleMan announced to IRC-goers that a new project was being worked on, yet that is all he had stated. Those who know that something new is on the horizon have been busy making guesses at what the surprise might be.

To contribute to future community spotlight articles, please visit this forum: http://www.ifthensoftware.net/forums/index.php?showforum=37

Funny Quote of the Week

Background information: shares5, RageMan, MagillaGorilla, SuperSunMan, and ryanyoyoyo were troublemakers/annoyances in the community.

pifreak: InvisibleMan for your next game make us all little moderator looking characters with banhammers and we have to fight a giant boss that is a combination of shares5, RageMan, MagillaGorilla, and SuperSunMan (which spits ryanyoyoyo minions)

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