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Best of GameSetWatch: From de_dust To Dreamworld Pogie

Gamasutra's sister site, alt video game blog GameSetWatch, rounds up this week's offbeat titles and news, including a full-scale replica of Counterstrike's de_dust, an unearthed NES ROM for a Dizzy spino

Eric Caoili, Blogger

July 6, 2011

2 Min Read

[Every week GameSetWatch editor-in-chief Eric Caoili rounds up the latest news/media for obscure and offbeat games from Gamasutra's sister site and alternative video game blog.] In this latest collection of links to mostly ignored games and gaming news, we cover a full-scale replica of Counterstrike's memorable de_dust map, an unearthed NES ROM for Dizzy spinoff Dreamworld Pogie, new videos for Rhythm Tengoku Wii, and Japanese shmup magazine Shooting Gameside. GameSetWatch's highlights from the last week: Someone Wants To Build A Full-Scale Replica Of de_dust - "One of the most played multiplayer stages in video game history, Counterstrike's de_dust is an iconic first-person shooter map, re-created dozens of times by fans in other FPSes since. And now artist Aram Bartholl wants to build a 1:1 scale replica of the level, memorializing it with a concrete "art piece and museum." Japanese Shmup Magazine Shooting Gameside Returns With New Volume - "Fans of shoot'em ups and import gaming magazines, the second volume of Shooting Gameside has released! This issue offers 160 pages, 26 (!) of those devoted to a feature on Gradius. The rest of the mag is full of previews, strategies, interviews (including one with Taito's in-house band Zuntata), and more for games like Crimzon Clover, Eschatos, Trouble Witches, and Hayabusa." Unreleased Dizzy Spinoff Dreamworld Pogie Discovered for NES - "Long considered lost to the ages (or to bit rot) Codemasters' unreleased Nintendo Entertainment System game Dreamworld Pogie has at last surfaced as a downloadable prototype ROM image, reconstructed using source code found on a floppy disk by the YolkFolk.com community." Give Swery Money for His Next Game, Dammit - "Deadly Premonition director Hidetaka Suehiro, aka "Swery65," wants very badly to make a new game but lacks the funding to do so. This is a crime. Publishers, it's time to sack up and throw some money at this man." Details Behind Discarded Colossi Finally Revealed - "Many have already seen assorted behind-the-scenes sketches for beasts that didn't make the cut in Shadow of the Colossus, but few of us know what the story behind them is. Thus comes GlitterBerri to the rescue yet again! Last seen retranslating the script to Zelda 1, her current project involves putting the Japanese words found in SotC's official guidebook into English." Rhythm Heaven Promises Multiplayer Karate, Biplane Badminton - "Nintendo of Japan opened up a site for Rhythm Heaven Wii, with the highlight thus far (it's a bit sparse at the moment; expect goodies in the not too distant future, including wallpaper and the such) being footage of some of its minigames in action."

About the Author

Eric Caoili


Eric Caoili currently serves as a news editor for Gamasutra, and has helmed numerous other UBM Techweb Game Network sites all now long-dead, including GameSetWatch. He is also co-editor for beloved handheld gaming blog Tiny Cartridge, and has contributed to Joystiq, Winamp, GamePro, and 4 Color Rebellion.

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