Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
After a few months of personal debate I finally decide to test the waters of Gamasutra to see if my blog posts will be well received.
Hello, Everyone! This is my first post on a site like Gamasutra. I always read others blogs on this site and dreamed of a day that one of my posts would be put in the featured section. Before I get ahead of my self let me give you a brief background on just who I am.
My name is Kaylin Norman (Its a man's name). I'm an African-American independent game designer looking to contribute my talent to the industry. I have a lot of unique, and some would venture to say crazy perspectives on certain situations which is no doubt influenced by my Asperger's Syndrome. At first I was really reluctant to post on this site, or any other site, given the recent uproar over the Joystiq post and how bad opinions are not recieved well by the general readers of this site. My posting style is a little weird in that when I'm talking about my opinions, I tend to over analyze and provide information on how I came to my assumptions and opinions, kind of like showing your work[never thought you'd here that again]. My intentions is to lighten up and relax the reader through ver corny humor. I'll sometimes even mispell a f3w w0rdz to get my point accross. My opinions are my own, always.
I'm cutting this post short, because I have a much bigger post in the pipes!
Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I hope that it is well recieved.
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