Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
UK media education industry body Skillset is designing a framework for game design accreditation to "signpost excellence in this field for prospective students and employers."
UK industry body Skillset, which supports education for the region's creative media industries, says it's designing a framework for game design accreditation to "signpost excellence in this field for prospective students and employers." A new computer games accreditation panel within Skillset has been established to further the initiatives, and Frontier founder David Braben will helm the committee. Reps from local companies Jagex, Blitz, Sony, Rare, Ubsisoft, Zoe Mode, Headstrong, Babel Media, Relentless, Crytek and industry trade body TIGA collaborated on the decision in a recent panel discussion. "Skillset’s accreditation initiative is building valuable bridges between higher education and the Games industries, particularly in the area of Games Design, where universities could reap benefits from industry guidance," says Sion Simon, Minister for Creative Industries. Skillset already has accreditation standards in place for games art and games programming, and the UK's Teesside University is the latest to be accredited. Universities are advised to put forward their courses for consideration and open a dialogue with Skillset, as opposed to considering accreditation a simple award. Accredited schools will be able to access via Skillset a group of industry professionals and experts available to give lectures, master classes, and possible software package deals for schools.
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