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New School Blues Dev. Diary #5: Character Design Part 2

Continuing from our last post, YoyoBolo Games artist and animator Jonathan takes us through the next step from designing silhouettes when creating characters, that is filling them in and fleshing them out to start revealing some personality!

Yoyo Bolo, Blogger

January 22, 2013

1 Min Read

Developer Diary #5: Character Design Part 2

Jonathan here again with part 2 of character design.  Last entry we took a look at silhouettes created for the game’s characters, today we’ll look at filling in and fleshing out these silhouettes.


“Filling in” Toby (now known as New Kid boy version)

Once a few silhouettes have been chosen as candidates I fill in the details.  This step should also involve a lot of iteration and remixing of elements from each drawing.  It is important to note that I am not just figuring out the literal physical appearance of the character, but I am also trying to create drawings that communicate their personality.  Our main character has a willingness to stand up for himself when wronged, but can be self conscious as well, so I tried drawings displaying those different attitudes.


Mackenna concept work

Once the final design is chosen the next step is to build a puppet in flash, but that’s a topic for another time.

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