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Flinthook got a lot right, especially its gameplay trailer. Here's 5 Flinthook trailer takeaways — for devs making their own trailer.
Here's five takeaways from Flinthook's ‘Damn-Near-Perfect’ gameplay trailer (by Dom2D):
Flinthook! It’s wooing gamers (and game devs) everywhere! Why? Well, it can’t hurt that the gameplay trailer is damn-near-perfect.
Let's check it out.
Here’s some takeaways, from Flinthook's trailer, for your own game’s trailer:
Notice these Flinthook™ color bars! We haven’t even started the trailer yet! And already the game is subconsciously establishing its unique voice.
Here's a quick test: can somebody look at any screenshot from your game and instantly tell that it’s your game?
2. Try a sweet one-shot opener!
Notice how in the first fifteen seconds we’re treated to everything we need to know about the game: the genre, Flinthook’s unique-take on the genre: specifically, the sweet hook-shot! And, killing enemies to bag the loot! If you can show everything that your game does in one shot? Do it right away!
3. Use a bit of “outside” voice
You’re biased and your opinion doesn’t matter. What others say about you, though? Yeah, use it if you got it. The more variety and big names here, the better.
4. UNIQUE FRIGGIN’ GAMEPLAY (This is important)
Nobody else out there has sweet hookshot action like Flinthook. I mean — it’s in the name: flint-hook. But what’s most important is that this one-of-a-kind hookshot action is front-row-center. The trailer opens on hooking. And the trailer ends on hooking.
Make sure you tattoo this on your forehead: your unique gameplay is how you stand out against the SEA OF STEAM RELEASES.
5. Sneak some player motivations in there.
Notice when the trailer says, “Become the greatest space pirate,” and then shows some action. Then it’s all “Plunder randomly-built spaceships.” This is great too: I love how this line addresses the roguelike structure of the game.
These little statements say so much about why you wanna play the game. And they speak to you kind-of on a subconscious level.
Once again, those key takeaways are:
Try a sweet one-shot opener!
Use a bit of “outside” voice
Sneak some player motivations in there.
This was originally posted on the author's blog. You can find M. Joshua's trailer production work at, where he's available for production and consultation.
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