Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
share, game ideas.
Can I share my ideas here?
I have ideas, but without job/money/team. So, shall I give up or keep looking for chance?
I never made a game, and never work for a game company. So, shall I give up or keep trying to realize my ideas?
I tried to sell ideas, and even give them for free, but the game companies said: legel problem. Well, law could kill good idea sometime.
I am a new person to the game indutry, so I don't mind share my ideas for free. I just keep thinking about the new ideas, and judging if I am the good one for making game.
Please write to me if you want help. I charge nothing, but regard it as a good chance to pratice.
Thank you very much.
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