Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
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Notes and reflections on the first day of my first GDC
The Arcane Art of Puzzle Depedency Diagrams - Noah Falstein
Noah Falstein is a veteran of the industry, and one of the early innovators in the Lucas Arts style Adventure game genre. He co-created Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, which is very, very good.
25 year old technique from Ron Gilbert. Ron actually calls them Dependency Charts
He's right, it IS my first GDC.
Developed for Maniac Mansion
For purpose of talk, "puzzle" means anything you use to challenge the player. Boss fight, minimum level, etc.
Quick, barebones flowcharts
Separate game and story. Leave story out of the charts.
Use key in lock, don't describe finding key.
"Cut story ruthlessly, then cut some more until you can't stand it. At that point it's probably about 2x as big as it should be." -Hal Barwood
Puzzle dependency lets you pare story back to essentials. Only what players need to know to care about the challenges in front of them.
"It's all keys and locks." - Ron Gilbert
Make it bushy: branch out, then choke back up. Give players a few things to work on, but have clear gates where all previous tasks must be complete.
Linear is easy, but blocks, chokes, and fails on weakest link while discouraging autonomy.
Research Self Determination Theory
Bushy lets you gain skills and resources to solve the harder parallel puzzle.
Linear overall, but bushy in chunks.
Work backwards
Build ending first, figure out what player needs to know/have to get there.
To make harder add multiple prerequisites for progress
To make easier add alternate paths
Strong, but expensive fixes
When stuck on story, look at mechanics, when stuck on mechanics, think story.
Tastes Like Chicken: Authenticity in a Totally Fake World - Jay Posey
While Posey's talk comes strongly from his background—dialog and narrative for Tom Clancy games—the tools he described apply well to any genre that has significant player expectations.
More important that it feel real than be real.
Real is often boring.
Authentic = real - boring
Research the real thing, identify the fantasy, expand from there.
Three Main Sources of Reference:
Experts - doing the job. don't use a glossary; you need context.
Tangential - work with, have perspective.
Approximate - similar, space miners? Use real miners and underwater welders.
Get more than one. Get them comfortable and talking.
Hollywood (mainstream entertainment)
Be familiar with what most people expect from this genre, not slavish, but be aware. Writing cops? watch Law and Order. Writing vampire? At least know about Twilight.
Fan forums.
Tangential communities (air soft, larpers, D&D)
Balancing Act: narrative and mission design - Corey May and Philippe Bergeron
The Narrative Designer and Lead Mission Designer respectively, Cory and Philippe discussed the methods used to blend narrative and mission creation on the Assassin's Creed 3 team. It didn't feel like a system that would scale well to smaller teams.
Mission design team keeps a rolling doc of cool ideas they couldn't implement. (Like this)
Solicit for ideas across all disciplines. (This too)
They make the story and mission arcs separately then bind them together.
Mission arcs are defined first.
Mission design doc is explicitly used as foundation of script.
Script and missions are then adjusted to match up, with preference given to mission flow.
Narrative in Games: Role, Forms, Problems, Potential - Warren Spector
Warren Spector Made Deus Ex. Listen to him.
Borrow consciously. We can be more than interactive movies (Walking Dead was great, we can do other stuff)
Cutting makes sense in movies, is super disorienting in games. Breaks immersion, steals control.
Games are more linear than film.
Economy in dialog
A one off cool moment works in a movie. In a game it happens 100s of times.
Let players make the cool moments.
D&D teaches a lot about letting players drive the story. Drop the content, systems and GMs.
He's pretty sure oral story telling is magic.
Games are special because we have
Real time
Research topics:
We need more storytelling structures. We usually use:
Roller coaster
Retold (Tetris, madden)
Hybrid coaster (deus ex)
Let's get better at non-combat ai. Why don't characters react to the weird or dumb stuff players always do?
Sets not worlds. Smaller, more fully realized spaces over huge, poorly defined worlds.
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