Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
GAME-ON North America, a conference dedicated to higher-level concepts in computer gaming research, has called for participation for its 2007 event set to take place September 10-12 at the Hilton University of Florida.
March 23, 2007
Author: by Beth A.
GAME-ON North America 2007, which takes place September 10-12, 2007 at the Hilton University of Florida, aims to bring together academics, researchers and games people from North America in order to exchange ideas on higher-level concepts that contribute to the field of computer gaming research. The conference will cover topics such as Games Development Methodology, Artificial Intelligence, Learning and Adaptation, Intelligent/Knowledgeable Agents, Collaboration & Multi-agent Systems, and Opponent Modelling. Other topics discussed at the conference will include Physics and Simulation/Graphical Simulation, 3D Scalability, Game Animation, and Game Design. Additional peripheral tracks include Voice Interaction, Storytelling and Natural Language Processing, Serious Games, and Games Consoles. GAME-ON invites submissions of full papers, extended abstracts, and short abstracts by May 10, 2007. For more details, visit the GAME-ON website.
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