Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
I am officially launching Bengine. The goal of this engine is to develop a library for making a RPG in 3D with network, sound and everything. The principal aim of this engine is simplicity and reuse.
I am officially launching Bengine. The goal of this engine is to develop a library for making a RPG in 3D with network, sound and everything. The principal aim of this engine is simplicity and reuse.
The goal of the simplicity is when you make your own video game, you want to focus on the game play. If you have a game engine and even your 5 years old children can use it, you'll gain a lot of time. With a state machine and a lot of others stuffs can help this development.
The goal of the reuse is double: for my game engine and for the game developed with the game engine. I don't want to develop a rendering engine, physics engine or anything like that because it already exists and even some greats free. However, they are really complicated and have a lot of options. You can easily add an additional layer on the rendering engine, sound engine, network engine... What make it really interesting is with this additional layer, it is really easy to change your whatever engine. You want OpenAL instead of FMod? You want Havok instead of PhysX? Doesn't matter you just have to load a different library and make the link with the interfaces.
I know those kind of engine already exists, but it can be really interesting to make one with big and free library. This engine will not be commercial so this is not going to be a problem and I will do everything I can to respect property rights. Even if you want to make it commercial, you just have to use library you paid for ;).
I am on the exploration stage so feel free to give me some feedbacks and ideas. I will need certainly help later on this project too, but it is too soon for the moment.
This is really brief, but I will post more soon.
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